Jacket - Vintage from the Red Light Clothing Exchange, Shirt - Supre, Skirt - Zara, Shoes - Windsor Smith
Photographer - Lucy Alcorn
This is actually a look that I really liked on paper - casual on the top, party on the bottom, denim and neon, very "bloggery". Then I put it on, and realised that this doesn't suit me and has absolutely no relation to things that I would wear in real life. The reason I even own these shoes? I bought them for Melbourne Cup. The fact that I was even at Melbourne Cup in the first place makes zero sense, so these shoes make -10 sense on my feet.
So this post is really just to say you will never see anything like this again, because I don't dress like this ever and temporarily lost my mind.
I'm still going to put it up on lookbook.nu though. Whatever. Eat me.
x Maddy